About Us
The Rx Rescue & Relief is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Rx Rescue & Relief is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
04 - _RX Rescue Relief Presents The Reach Community Service Honors (final).mp4
About RX Rescue & Relief
About RX Rescue & Relief
Whether it’s a natural disaster such as a hurricane, tornado or earthquake, or wild fires, tsunamis RX Rescue & Relief is in the midst of life-threatening conflicts assisting with critical relief as well as recovery. Our team instills hope and helps when it’s needed most, including distributing food, water, supplies and other vital things needed to meet the immediate needs of those suffering.
Then, to help communities begin the long-term recovery process, we assist with searches, debris clean-up, repairs, makeovers, relocation and so much more.
We answer the call to being "our brothers keeper" ensuring communities get back on the path of day to day operations as quickly as possible.